London’s ex-Mayor Ken Livinstone, nearing the end of his address, talking a little about how people in Europe were watching the November elections last fall:
Most people there, he said, had never heard of North Carolina until it got publicity for: A) Its very close Obama-McCain race, and B) the Senate race, with the Elizabeth Dole ad using hinted-at atheism to attack Kay Hagan.
“I came out as an atheist at the age of 12. It’s never done me any harm politically,” Livingstone said. “In London, no one cares. If you get the buses running on time, they don’t care what you’re doing in bed.” (Wikipedia tells us he’s had several affairs – with women – and is a noted bon vivant. Also, it deadpans: “He is known for his enthusiasm for keeping and breeding newts.[11]” Presumably not of the Gingrich variety.)
Back to policy – A country can’t borrow its way to prosperity, he said. You make money by making things and selling them, and shouldn’t ever lose sight of that.