Updating U-City transit, street projects

As I’m spending much of today interviewing City Council candidates and editing tomorrow’s Viewpoint page, I’ll just offer a couple of links to information available elsewhere.

First, here’s an overview from University City Partners about the planning for the northeast light rail line. It’s a good summation of some of the fine point design issues they’re wrestling with, such as how to deal with the North Tryon Street, Harris Boulevard intersection. The next big public meetings on the plans:

• 6-8 p.m. Sept. 29 at Sugaw Creek Presbyterian Church at 101 W Sugar Creek Road

• 6-8 p.m. Sept. 30 at the Oasis Temple, 604 Doug Mayes Place in University Place

Also, thanks again to University City Partners, here’s an overview of the planning for overhauling “the weave” – where N.C. 49 (North Tryon and University City Boulevard), U.S. 29 (North Tryon) and I-85 all come together.